“Termanik LH” is designed to heat up viscous oil products in various technological processes (transportation, acceptance operations, etc.) using a heat-transfer fluid (water or antifreeze) avoid of steam heating.
The objectives associated with heating of oil products are quite widespread. “Termanik LH” is the next step towards improving the safety, speed and efficiency of this technological operation.
Using the inductive-conductive heating principle it is possible to solve several problems inherent in the currently common systems. Firstly, the system uses a heat-transfer liquid rather than steam as a heat carrier, which increases the controllability of the process and reduces the risk of pipe leaks. Secondly, an electric boiler is used as a heat source, which means automation and process stability.
Work with fuels and lubricants increase demands on fire safety. “Termanik LH” has features that provide a high level of protection against overheating and electric shock. The heater itself is separated from the heated circuit by a heat exchanger, which increases the overall reliability and technical lifetime of the system.